Periodic Examination
What is Periodic Inspection?
It is the process of testing, checking and analyzing the work equipment at regular intervals by taking into consideration the arak Health and Safety Regulations in the Use of Work Equipment ği and the related standards.
Why should periodic inspection be performed?
Work equipment should function properly and should not present a hazard. The installation and operating conditions of the equipment supplied to the market after manufacture must comply with the relevant standard and manufacturer’s recommendations. After the installation, it is necessary to take the periodical inspection after the inspection. Regular maintenance and daily, weekly and business start-up should be checked by the user. Periodic inspections are an essential requirement to minimize the risk of accidents. The legal and material damage of the accidents with the material and spiritual burden for the enterprise is great. Disposal of risks in the workplace environment belongs to the employer. It is clearly stated in the laws and regulations.
Article 4 of the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety;
Indicates that the employer is obliged to monitor and observe the compliance with occupational health and safety measures taken at the workplace and to ensure that the non-conformities are eliminated and to perform or evaluate the risks and risks.