ISO 28000
What is ISO 28000 ?
What is ISO 28000 ?
In today’s increasingly competitive conditions, organizations are constantly trying to increase their market shares while aiming to reduce their costs. The supply chain can be defined as a series of resources and processes that start with the supply of raw materials and extend the product and service to the end user through different transportation methods.
Enterprises have seen that customer service levels can improve, excessive inventory in the system can be reduced and unnecessary costs in the business network can be reduced as a result of giving a structure suitable to the supply chain in recent years and they have given importance to the supply chain. For such organizations, accurate identification and effective management of the risks related to the supply chain are of great importance in terms of business continuity.
ISO 28000 is an international standard, defines the requirements of the Supply Chain Security Management System and provides a management model to organizations that want to implement this system. It aims to manage risks effectively by integrating the organization’s activities related to supply chain security with other management systems. It also provides great support in meeting the requirements for obtaining the AEO (EU Authorized Economic Operator) certificate, which is vital for companies importing and exporting within the European Union.
ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System Standard has been prepared by modeling management systems standards. Thus, many organizations implementing risk assessment based management systems will be able to work with a similar approach and evaluate the risks associated with the supply chain when implementing this new standard.
What are the Benefits of ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System?
- It ensures that security risks are correctly identified and necessary precautions are taken in all sectors of the industry and that the possible damage occurs to a minimum.
- It provides convenience to customs authorities by proving their ability to identify and control security risks.
- Since many requirements in AEO applications are in line with the standard, it increases the trust of legal authorities to the organization.
- It increases the trust of organizations that provide products / services.
- It increases the trust of insurance companies and decreases insurance costs.
- Certification of the system contributes to the overall image of the organization.
- It provides an increase in the satisfaction levels of the customers by meeting the customer needs.