Health Screening
What is Health Screening ?
The health of the employees is guaranteed by the laws made today. Performing health examinations and screening of employees has become a legal obligation in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 and related regulations. In cases where all employees cannot be sent to the hospital, health screening is provided with the physicians coming to their workplaces with the Mobile Health Tool. Our mobile health screening tool saves time for employers.
It is an obligation for the organization to keep the health screenings of in-house employees as of the date of employment and to repeat them periodically.
Performing health scans and applications in a timely manner will provide a basis for you to anticipate the problems that will occur and to take necessary measures. In addition, our vehicle can come on the day and time that suits you and allows you to make your health screenings quickly.
Within the scope of the health screening service we provide with our mobile vehicle, we would like to serve you in completing your processes mentioned below.
- Blood Count (Hemogram)
- Hearing Test (Audio)
- Respiratory Test (Sft)
- Lung Graph (PA Graph)
- Vaccine Application
- The works will be carried out by coming to your workplace with our mobile vehicle within a program that will be determined mutually within the most convenient timeframe.